Chick was my giant among giants


A couple of weeks ago Bob Rice told me of a Facebook Page being prepared in tribute to Chick Corea as a surprise for his 75th birthday. I sent Bob this message and this attachment since, as you know, I'm not on Facebook.


In 1975, I became the first and only student (to this day) to write all the charts for the North Texas State lab band album. That album went on to become the first college or university album ever to be nominated for a Grammy award. Chick was there in the fact that I wrote an arrangement of "What Was" for that album. All the other pieces were my original compositions, but even in the arrogance of my youth, I somehow knew that I should pay homage to those who had taught me through their artistry. I attended NTSU but I studied at the feet of giants. Chick Corea was my giant among giants. That symbolic tribute in 1975 was maybe the one act of my youth that I don't regret. 

I can't think of a more fitting tribute than to write about how Chick was a part of making this bit of history, None of us do anything alone. I am well aware of this now but only had glimpses of it at the time. Chick Corea taught me how to be an artist without ever speaking to me, but I was listening nonetheless. - LYLE MAYS


Bob posted it and it was a hit evidently. Today I got this from Chick:


Dear Lyle,

Thanks so much for your heartfelt communication on my birthday! And for reminding me of that “What Was” chart - - was exuberant youth!! Wonderful!!

And thanks for all your great musical explorations through the years - - inspiring to me! As musicians we’re a Team lifting spirits around the world. It’s a great gig isn’t it?

I send love and admiration to you and family from Gayle and myself,


Joseph Vella